About invitation of the Varangians to Russia

The text is directly based on the article concerning the tribute from Russian cities.INVITATION OF THE VARANGIANS
The Varangians founded cities that is why they needed only the right to rent of a piece of land at the river. At that stage, they contacted with peasantry only through trade with the military tribal nobility – the boyars. Eighty-four articles in Wikipedia devoted to Grand dukes of Kiev, is never mention the term «peasants» in chronology from 860 to 1272 (412 years). The reason: the peasantry did not exist for the princes; they were in “ownership” of local boyars.

The first Varangians in Kiev were Askold and Dir, then they were replaced by the Ruriks, and this name is of the Caucasian origin, not Scandinavian; it explains close primary relations of the Ruriks with Khazaria, and then — with Circassia, Chechnya and Kabarda. There were neither invasion, nor any other act of submission of the Russian territory to external forces. Moreover, there was no any submission of local peasants to Kiev (and there could not be any at that stage). The city of Kiev for Russia at this stage resembled the French chain store «Ashan». If the prices were too excessive, the Ruriks would be simply refused in the rent contract prolongation, and Russia would invite someone other.

Pay attention, during the epoch of the seigniorial Duma the power was a two-chamber type: the Duma, using the Customer Law, played a legislature role, and princes were occupied with external relations. Without the boyars’ will no decision would come into force in Russia, but only princes decided, whether there would be any war for a city or a transport corridor. The sources of the historical loss of nobility is that it was not they, but princely cities who established price hierarchy of the goods. The same siyuation was everywhere.

The tribute of Russian princes to the Tatars and Khazars was a consequence of trade and economic expansion of Russian merchant class at the Tatar and Khazaria’s territories. Conflicts due to the not paid in time tribute, most possibly, were caused by some force majeure following the results of large natural disaster, and, accordingly, the broken important transactions.

Absence of long tributary relations in most parts of Europe is typical. It means that identical historical processes inside and out of Europe are interpreted differently. To create base conditions for the other interpretation is simple: you give to the annalistic term emptio the meaning of «purchase», and to the term coemptio – the meaning of «sale», and all history of a vast region should be considered in an absolutely different way.


Andrew StepanenkoJuly 07, 2019 <https://scan1707.blogspot.com/2019/07/blog-post_92.html>

Translated by Berenkova Violetta Michailovna

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