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Complete history of catastrophic crash (variant № 3 of 1/29/2020)


The concept of interdisciplinary connections is not specified unequivocally, however distinguishing of those connections has allowed uniting certain scientific theories explaining:
— Character of interaction of the Earth and large meteoric bodies;
— Displacement of an axis of the Earth rotation;
— Displacement of rotational tension in tectonosphere;
— Transgressions and regressions of the seas;
— Permafrost origin;
— Origin of some coal-fields and oil deposits;
—  Death of pleistocene megafauna;
— Neolithic revolution.

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Christianity formation

I do not touch the question of either immortality of soul in the text, or the Last Judgement, or, accordingly, personal responsibility of everyone for all harm done. This text is devoted to legal features of Christianity formation as a universal religion.

First of all, I’m going to show the general situation.


Antiquity is trading networks of several tens of the developed peoples, consisting of emporia (trading stations) and thrown over «barbarians» who were numerous thousands agricultural and cattle tribal tribes. There was certain symbioses of country and trading elite, but, in general, life of those two civilization layers crossed only at trade fairs one or two times a year. Each trading people tried to offer the unique goods, that is why conflicts between networks were little. They also traded the goods which carried out functions of universal payment equivalents — salt, nonferrous metals and medical products (opium, hashish, mercury).
Читать далее Christianity formation

Chronology reconstruction

Three tested variants of chronology reconstruction are based on one general principle: extent of historical processes is reduced 15-20 times, and events start to look reliable: prophets lived not 900 years, but 70-80, and wars lasted not 100 years, but 5-7maximum. The variant which I have chosen, assumes the following:
Root of chronological problems in transfer from the octal numeration system to the decimal one: figures IV and V, meaning two variants of writing of number 4, began to mean 4 and 5; figures IX and X, meaning two variants of writing of number 8, began to mean 9 and 10, and figure L meaning 32 before, began to mean 50. Here is the true meaning of the basic figures, confirmed with old engravings:
Читать далее Chronology reconstruction

The Roman numeration — a key to the chronology secret

The fact that the real chronology of human civilization is shorter than the documented one is proved by certain circumstances, which cannot be ignored.

Here Studopedia’s estimation. In 70s, the information volume was doubled every 5-7 years. In 80s, doubling occurred every 20 months, and in 90s — annually. Prolonging this data to the past, we see exponential reducing not allowing the Antiquity existing more than 200-300 years ago.

In 1994 a cyberneticist and philosopher R.F. Abdeev in his work “Philosophy of the information civilization” wrote: “nowadays dynamics of growth of the information volume … is doubled every 20 months in contrast with every 50 years in Marx’s days”. If, speaking about Marx’s times, Abdeev meant approximately 1843 when Marx became known, it gives basis for dynamics when in 1782 the annual gain of the information was 1 %, — as it was in the country backwoods.
Читать далее The Roman numeration — a key to the chronology secret

Mediatisation 1803-1806

We see now that the rates of Napoleon’s reformatting of the European feuds more likely reflect some kind of collector activity, rather than military one, and mediatisation of the Holy Roman Empire (HRE) looks like organic part of the all-European process. HRE and France were not at war in fact, but discussed the mediatisation order, and Franz II was not against reformatting of territories, he even initiated it from time to time. It was not war, it was “Perestroika”.

Читать далее Mediatisation 1803-1806

Chronological shifts: Catherine’s shift and 59-year-old one

Shift is the number of years dividing two identical or closely related events. They suppose such shifts evidence manipulations when the whole data files were copied with some changes, and duplicates were shifted to earlier times in the past. My collection of such shifts contains about 700 pairs, and trial sampling with the machine method use has resulted in 40 thousand pairs. Personally I think that not historians created such files shifted into the past, but the closed structures like drug dealers, financiers, pharmacists, weapon sellers, scientists, — and, most likely, the seals, forms, names in such document files were original. The only problem is that those documents are not connected with historical reality, therefore exact potash technologies in gunpowder and glass business were described prior to discovery of chemical distinctions between soda and potash, and opium peripeteia in India and China are definitely shifted between these countries for 59 years.
Читать далее Chronological shifts: Catherine’s shift and 59-year-old one

Louisiana Purchase and the Homestead Act

Purchase of Louisiana took place in 1803 — at the height of the Napoleonic wars, it gives an idea to assume that the reason of Louisiana transfer was someone’s sovereign defaults and satisfaction of some creditors claims. For example, as the friend rodom_iz_tiflis has noticed, France officially received Louisiana «back» from Spain and sold within three weeks. It is very similar to some kind of arrest and sale of property of Spain for debts that is quite typical for «collector» character of Napoleon’s wars.

Let’s have a look the pace of developments.

Читать далее Louisiana Purchase and the Homestead Act

Napoleon’s сollector wars

The basic problem of history of the 19 century is the Napoleonic wars, impossible, in particular, for economic and organizational reasons. Revolution had left France in complete ruin:
— The scientists knowing secrets of weapon saltpeter, were sent to a guillotine;
— The officers (and all of them were 100 % noblemen) mostly escaped abroad;
— The colonies delivering the currency colonial goods, were lost;
— Doctors and hospitals disappeared together with the destroyed monasteries;
— In 1791-1793 (the period of «Great Horror”) everything was on fire in France;
— In 1799 France lost its Mediterranean fleet — entirely.

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Wars of the past

Some wars of the past cause numerous doubts in circles of historical revisionists. Alexander the Great’s campaign to India through mountain ridges with average speed of 100 km a day, the two-million army of the Mongols which left no genetic traces on all sites of their way, and even the war of 1812 is impossible from the positions of military logistics. Let’s start with logistics.

The maximum duration of an autonomous horse campaign — 14 days one way. Here is a calculation.

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Russian-Turkish collector war 1877-1878

The text is closely connected with the next text about wars of the past. The main objective of this text is to show a difference between a real progress of events and that version dominating in the society opinion according to the version given in high school textbooks.In 1851 the Ottoman empire borrowed money from Palmer and Goldsmith.
In 1854 the Ottoman empire took 75 million francs from England and France.
In 1855 the Ottoman empire borrowed from the Rothschilds’.

Читать далее Russian-Turkish collector war 1877-1878