About debts writing off in the ancient time


Practice of debts writing off in the anniversary year has ancient roots. The word «anniversary» goes back to the bible term yovel, designating the fiftieth year when property debts were forgiven and debt slaves were released (Leviticus, 25:8-13). Similar traditions as C.Goodheart and M.Hudson mention in their article, existed in many Middle Eastern states — in Sumer, Assyria, Babylon. In agrarian societies, it was usual to take credits in the Temple (the Supreme religious organization) or from the governor, but in case of a poor harvest year, there was no possibility to pay them. In that case, the debtor either sold the property, or sold himself or a member of his family in slavery. However, those so-called agrarian debts — debts of households were forgiven in the anniversary year. Debts of merchants (investment), the result of commercial activity, were not written off.
Debts writing off occurred during the first millennium (BC).

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Law of succession. Basic

This is a short piece of text, but it is the central point in the history.Source:

The inheritance of peasants is determined according to their customs. IX т., Особ. прил., Общ. крест. пол. 38. Пол. Вык. 166. Местн. Велик. 110. Местн. Малор. 93. Местн. Закавк., ст. 81. Местн. Бессар., ст. 36.The rule is applied irrespective of, whether the inheritance is a part of the peasant plot or other property and whether the inheritance case is in the volost or general courts.

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Великое переселение народов

Начинаем реконструкцию хронологии, а значит, и восстановление истории, с опорой на принятый алгоритм. Несогласным на столь радикальное сокращение длительности процессов предлагаю воспринимать графики как обычную модель, дающую техническую возможность сопоставлять процессы, которых иначе толком не разглядеть.

Переселявшиеся народы начинали экспансию в Европу всего в двух регионах: в низовьях Дуная и в низовьях рек, впадающих в Северное и Балтийское моря. Исключений нет, и это поддерживает гипотезы о катастрофических причинах переселения.
С севера шли гепиды, готы, франки, алеманы, бургунды, свевы, англы, саксы, фризы, юты, аланы, лангобарды, викинги, норманны.
С востока шли герулы, готы, остготы, вестготы, варвары, вандалы, булгары, гунны, аланы, венгры, авары.
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Реконструкция хронологии

Три опробованных варианта реконструкции хронологии содержат общий принцип: протяженность исторических процессов сокращается в 15-20 раз, а события обретают достоверность: пророки живут не по 900 лет, а по 70-80, а войны длятся не 100 лет, а, максимум, 5-7. Вариант, на котором я остановился, предполагает следующее:

А) Корень хронологических проблем в переходе с восьмеричного счета на десятичный: цифры IV и V, означавшие два варианта написания числа 4, стали означать 4 и 5; цифры IX и X, означавшие два варианта написания числа 8, стали означать 9 и 10, а цифра L, прежде означавшая 32, стала означать 50. Вот действительное, подтвержденное старыми гравюрами, значение основных цифр:
Читать далее Реконструкция хронологии

Common law in the USA

In Norwegian, a sheriff means lensmann — the vassal who received the land area (fee) from his lord — the owner of the land. Together with fee lensmann also received landowner (seigneural, patrimonial) judicial authority over the peasants living at the fee, that is, he became a sheriff. The lensmann also carried out the functions of the notary, solved hereditary problems. His lord – lensherre — stood a step higher than the lensmann.
Therefore, when we see that sheriffs in England or the USA had unusually great powers, there is the reason to think that here we have an English variant of lensmann — the vassal of the lord.

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Gender as a marker of changes

The first source is biological. If you have read the chapter “Submission Ritual”, this pair of short paragraphs will be enough. The gene of paederasty does not exist, but there is the excessive sexuality, which is inherent in primacies, closely connected with the public status and a power struggle. The higher status the person has, the better personal sexual choice he/she has. The lower status the person has, the more imposed roles he/she has, including sexual.
As a result, even nowadays some tribes keep male tribesmen in submission through ritual copulation or its imitation. Right now, there are tribes where each child passes through it, and power change is accompanied with destruction or lowering in the status (with the same method) of all prepotent men.

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Great Social Revolution of 1848

Discourse about the replacement of feudal legal norm with bourgeois norms.CORRECT DATING
In China slavery abolition and peasantry liberation happened in 221-206 BC, however the blind trust to such evidences is inappropriate. In practice, the most events, characteristic for the end of the feudalism epoch took place in 1848-1869. Only the “Spring of Nations” in 1848 raised the question about change of legal bases for the first time.

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