Antique slavery

Scythians were Athenians’ slaves, and it was as so: Scythian armed groups patrolled cities of the Athenian Union and could arrest any townsman, even an aristocrat.
Jews were Egyptians’ slaves, but occupied the highest public positions, were perfectly armed, left Egypt, paying no attention to their owners, and during their campaign easily won other armies.
Circassians were the Ottomans’ slaves, but they commanded armies, the fleet and even the finance of the Empire. The appreciable part of sultans were Circassians on their mother’s side, that is, the supreme authority in the Empire was shifted on Circassian blood.
In Western Europe countries, the phenomenon of hereditary slavery of the highest state elite was not noted; it is typical only for its historical opponents.

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Римский счет – ключ к тайне хронологии

На то, что реальная хронология цивилизации короче писаной, указывают обстоятельства, которые нельзя игнорировать.

Вот оценка Студопедии. В 70-е гг. объем информации удваивался каждые 5-7 лет. В 80-е гг. удвоение происходило уже за 20 месяцев, а в 90-е — ежегодно. Пролонгируя эти данные в прошлое, видишь экспоненциальное сокращение, не позволяющее античной культуре существовать далее чем 200-300 лет назад.

Кибернетик и философ Р.Ф. Абдеев в 1994 году в своей работе «Философия информационной цивилизации» писал: «динамика роста объема информации… ныне удваивается каждые 20 месяцев против 50 лет во времена Маркса». Если, говоря о временах Маркса, Абдеев имел ввиду примерно 1843 год, когда Маркс стал известен, то выстраивается динамика, в которой в 1782 году ежегодный прирост информации составлял 1 %, — как на крестьянском дворе в самой глухомани.
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Хронологические сдвиги: Екатерининский и 59-летний

Сдвиг это число лет, разделяющее два идентичных или сильно родственных события. Предполагается, что сдвиги указывают на манипуляции, когда целые массивы данных с некоторыми изменениями копировались, и дубликаты отбрасывались в прошлое. В моей коллекции таких сдвигов порядка 700 пар, а пробная выборка машинным способом сразу дала порядка 40 тысяч. Лично я думаю, что формировали такие сдвинутые в прошлое массивы не историки, а закрытые структуры – наркоторговцы, финансисты, фармацевты, продавцы оружия, ученые, — и, скорее всего, печати, бланки, имена в таких массивах документов подлинные. Проблема одна: эти документы не согласованы с исторической реальностью, поэтому точные поташные технологии в пороховом и стекольном деле описаны еще до установления химических различий между содой и поташом, а опиумные перипетии в Индии и Китае определенно сдвинуты между этими странами на 59 лет.
Читать далее Хронологические сдвиги: Екатерининский и 59-летний

The Salic Right

The description of tribal life usually specifies that the property is collective, but it concerns only capital fund — the lands and cattle; there is also some property that is inherited in the family on the mother’s side. The wife does not inherit from the husband, as the husband and the wife are not blood relatives. This rule is in force in Europe even now: the outlived spouse does not enter one of parantela (this term has remained in the European right as well) and is strictly restrained in his right of inheritance. The outlived spouse has often only the right of lifelong property using of the died spouse.

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Parantelas and Phratries

Let’s consider the common features of the society in the past.

Parantela is a group of blood relatives united by the general ancestors. Children of one mother, despite of the age difference, are equal among themselves, already because are all equally subordinated to their mother. It is the first parantela, and its members remain legally equal, when they grow up.
The children of the first parantela are the second parantela. The members of the second parantela are equal, and in relation to the first one, they occupy the subordinated position. Further, there are great-grandsons of the common original mother — the third parantela, further great-great-grandsons — the fourth one … and so it goes on approximately to the sixth-seventh.

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Matriarchy: from Vatican to Mecca

Most legends about matriarchy are fantastic. One chronicler argued that amazons cauterized their left breast; the other one noticed that they killed men, and all of them were sure in one fact — that matriarchy means the reign of women. In practice, matriarchy is based on two principles:

1. The man and only the man rules.
2. The relationship is considered on the mother’s side.

This is the basic concept.

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Submission ritual

We should begin this book with this chapter, but to begin with it means to lose some part of readers, it is a tough stuff. Therefore, it was hidden far away from the beginning. We promise that there will not be so tough texts in this book any more.

Here is one of the submission rituals, most popular among primacies.
“I saw once in the Berlin Zoo as two strong old male-hamadryads for some moment were locked in a serious fight. In a second one of them fled, and the winner pursued him untill at last he was not forced into the corner, and the defeated male had nothing to do, except using submissiveness gesture. In the response, the winner immediately turned away and walked away proudly, on the straight paws.

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Chronology of the colonial goods

Michailovna There are three reliable bases for dating of Europeans’ crossing the borders of their continent: 1) appearance of the colonial goods in the European markets, 2) acclimatisation of overseas cultures in Europe and 3) acclimatization of overseas cultures to the conditions of other overseas colonies.VANILLA
Hernan Cortes reported about vanilla growing in Mexico in 1528, and it was described in detail in the work of Bernardino de Sahagun in 1577. However the first attempt to adapt precious vanilla (to the conditions of the Seychelles) was dated in 1756, the second (to the conditions of Java island) – in 1816, and the third (to the conditions of Reunion) — 1819. The gap is, at least, 179 years (1577-1756).

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